Coronavirus information

The page aims to give you advice and information about COVID-19 (Coronavirus). You can find the latest information on the Government website

Visiting our sites 

As a provider of healthcare, we treat very vulnerable people every single day. We have to make sure we continue to keep these people, and our staff, safe from COVID-19. To keep all of us safe here is what you must do when visiting our sites or staff: 

  • Wash your hands or use the gel provided to keep them clean. 
  • If you have symptoms of COVID-19, do not come into the hospital unless it is an emergency. 

It is not mandatory for visitors to wear a face mask in any other settings but they may choose to. Visitors will be required to clean their hands before and after their visit.

If you have a cough, cold, diarrhoea, fever, vomiting or any other infectious condition, you should contact the ward for advice before visiting.

It is suggested that visits do not co-inside with meal times or during group or individual activities to minimise disruption. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

When you come to one of our sites you will be asked whether you have any symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting, respiratory infection or other COVID-19 symptoms. If you are symptomatic, the appointment must be postposted.

You will be asked to clean your hands before and after each visit. 

We ask that you attend your appointment alone, unless you are accompanying a child or a vulnerable person. 

If you have any concerns about coming to site, please talk to your health care professional. 


Visiting is welcomed in our inpatient settings.

  • We ask all visitors to contact the ward team to arrange a visit (these details can be found on our site pages). They will talk you through the restrictions in place and how many visitors are allowed at one time. The system of how visiting should be managed is down to the discretion of the ward manager. Some wards may prefer to continue to book visitors for each patient by appointment for logistical reasons.
  • You will be required to clean your hands before and after your visit. 
  • It is not mandatory for visitors to wear a face mask in any of our wards but if you would prefer to you may do so.


We have made the difficult decision to continue keeping leave to a minimum until further notice.

We are able to grant leave that is in line with your recovery plan, for example some grounds leave to get some exercise. 

All leave will need to be discussed with your care team and there are some guidelines that go with this
for example: making sure you are able to comply with hand hygiene, maintain social distancing and mask wearing rules.

Caring for someone who is unwell can be difficult at any time, but with COVID-19 in circulation it is probably feeling a lot more worrying and stressful as one carer has said “it’s like being in a pressure cooker”.  When we care for someone, we do what we can to have all of the answers. We prepare in any way we can to prevent further stress and this probably feels more difficult as the guidance/situation is changing so quickly. 

Southampton City residents 
There is support available for patients who are shielding, and this is being co-ordinated through the City Council COVID support hub and SoLinked. Please read this following webpage to understand more for Southampton residents:

The Hub will enable the council to respond to requests, using our own resources and voluntary sector, the community, and faith sector partners to deploy help quickly.

Hampshire residents 
For residents living within Hampshire County Council please visit or contact the helpline on 0333 370 4000, open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

More information about support availability both locally and nationally is available here.

People aged 16 and over can get a first and second dose of a vaccine.

Most children aged 12 to 15 are currently only being offered a first dose.

Booster doses are available for people who have had a second dose of the vaccine at least three months ago. 

How to get your COVID-19 vaccine
To get your vaccine you can:

If you cannot book appointments online, you can call 119 free of charge. You can speak to a translator if you need to.

Information: If you have difficulties communicating or hearing, or are a British Sign Language (BSL) user, you can use textphone 18001 119 or the NHS 119 BSL interpreter service.

For details about the Hampshire and Isle of Wight vaccination programme, click here.

For general information about the COVID-19 vaccination please see

Our mental and physical health and wellbeing has been and continues to be impacted by the affects of the pandemic. Here is some general advice and links to useful websites to help you look after yourself: 

  • It can be helpful to acknowledge emotions of anxiety as they come and try to let them pass on. Try not to reject these emotions, as this can create a bottleneck of feelings and then they can come all at once. 
  • Keep in contact with your family and friends regularly. You could use your phone or perhaps Skype if you have it. Writing letters are another great way of staying in contact! Try to check in on older relatives or neighbours if you can, giving can provide a sense of purpose.
  • Try to keep some structure to your day. If you're working from home, it might help to create a space for work so you can walk away from it at the end of the day to relax. Here is some great advice on working from home. 
  • Only look at trusted sources of information. There is lots of incorrect information doing the rounds at this time, and it is essential that you only look to trusted and reliable sources of information during this time. This is a trusted source of information. Others include the NHS website and the Government website. If you are looking on social media (Twitter and Facebook) look out for a blue tick next to the account name - this means the account is verified and trusted.
  • Keep your body moving! Exercise is a fantastic way to improve your physical and mental health. Whether it's a home work out, getting moving in the garden if you have one, or your allotted time outside to exercise. 
  • Make sure you take time for yourself. Whilst it may be difficult to find time to yourself, it's important to take even just a couple of minutes to process and relax. It might be a bath at the end of the day, or your daily walk outside before the rest of the house gets up. 
  • To stay fit and healthy, the NHS recommends to get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week, or around 20 to 30 minutes a day. These website may help: 
  • NHS One You home workouts  - easy 10 minute cardio workout and strengthening workout
  • The Body Coach - Joe Wicks - P.E workouts every day of the week and a range of other home workouts

A guide to yoga - a NHS guide on yoga, the benefits and how to get started 
NHS Fitness Studio - exercise sessions focused on toning and strengthening your muscles 

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