Everyone benefits from research. It allows NHS to innovate and develop new treatments and interventions. There still is so much that is unknown and research helps to widen our knowledge about best way to care for you and your family.
Safety is our number one priority; healthcare research follows strict rules to ensure it is safe for research participants. Research studies go through robust checks which are carried out by both the NHS Health Research Authority (HRA) and the Trust.
We are a University Hospital Trust. This means we commit significant resources and investment in research and have a keen focus on the educational development and training of our current and future workforces.
If you would like to get involved in any part of the trust research please see below:
Here at the Research and Innovation Clinical Trials Unit in Southampton, we conduct research into many areas of mental and physical health. These have included, but have not been limited to, research into psychosis, diabetes, cardiac conditions, depression, stroke, anxiety and long term neurological conditions.
At the Memory Assessment and Research Centre (MARC) we conduct research into memory disorders including Mild Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer's Disease and Lewy Body Dementia.
Our aim is to better understand how to diagnose, treat and prevent these diseases.
If you are interested in taking part in our research or you are looking for somewhere to conduct your research study then contact us by email: MARC@southernhealth.nhs.uk or telephone +44 (0)2380 475206 or write to us: MARC, Tom Rudd Unit, Moorgreen Hospital, Botley Road, West End, Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 3JB.
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust is part of the national effort to prevent, diagnose and treat COVID-19. Whilst those efforts continue, the time is now right to work towards the restoration of a diverse and active portfolio of research.
To help initiate this process, the NIHR has developed a ‘Framework for restart’, a guidance document to support local decision-making.
As part of the framework, research active Trusts should provide clear guidance on safety issues and measures for participants and staff. This includes strict infection prevention control measures, such as reducing site traffic, maintaining social distancing, facility decontamination and screening. Southern Health has prepared the following guidance documents to help facilitate a safe resumption of clinical research:
‘Clinical Research COVID-19 Pandemic – Workplace guidance for staff’
‘Clinical Research COVID-19 Pandemic – Guidance for Resuming Clinic Visits’
‘Clinical Research COVID-19 Pandemic – Guidance for Resuming Home Visits’
This guidance will be followed in accordance with Good Clinical Practice guidelines, NIHR guidance, and UK Government guidance regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. At all times, the protocol and the guidance issued by the sponsor related to the COVID-19 pandemic, will take precedence over internal site guidance provided the safety of the participant is protected.
Please contact research@southernhealth.nhs.uk if you have any concerns or queries about individual studies or this R&I policy. We welcome suggestions as to how we can make the restart process as quick and effective as possible.