The following information may be useful to help you self-manage your condition.
Free 12 week, NHS approved, weight management programme. Options include weight loss service and physical activity programme, both of which are available face to face and digitally. Find out more by going to Gloji | Personalised Weight Loss | 12 Week Programme.
- Italk - Learn simple and effective ways to look after your everyday wellbeing and stay well. They offer amongst other things evidence based treatment for depression and anxiety, but you do not need a diagnosis to self-refer. Telephone 023 8038 3920.
- Better Health - No matter how much you do, physical activity is good for your body and mind. Adults should aim to be active every day. Some is good – more is better still. A daily brisk walk can boost your energy, lift your mood and make everyday activities easier.
- Smoke free Hampshire - Your stop smoking service for Hampshire. You can self-refer through the web site or call the Quitline on 0800 772 3649.
- Versusarthritis We're Versus Arthritis. We'll never stop, until no one has to tolerate living with the pain, fatigue and isolation of arthritis.
- - Great advice and exercise programme to help with knee and hip pain
- - Online resource for patients
Flippin' Pain Flippin’ Pain™ is a public health campaign with a clear goal: To change the way we think about, talk about and treat persistent pain. Flippin’ your understanding of pain could change the lives of you and your loved ones forever.
- - Lorimer Moseley explains ‘Why Things Hurt’
- - Understanding pain in less than 5 minutes.
- - A wide range of support and help.
- - Support and resources for people with pain.
The following information may be useful to help you self-manage your condition:
- The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) for resources on:
- shoulder pain
- back pain
- head/neck pain
- knee/foot pain
- elbow pain
- hip pain
- pain management
- Exercise information from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy including videos, booklets and exercise sheets. There is also advice if your condition deterioates.
- Pain management advice from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy including leafets on foot, knee, shoulder, neck and back pain, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel.
- NHS Choices - many conditions have videos of exercises and self management advice.
- Live well NHS - Advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and wellbeing.
- Escape Pain - a group rehabilitation programme for people with chronic joint pain. It is available free of charge on line or via the app store. It offers two programmes; knees and hips and backs.
- Energise Me This is an up to date directory of physical activity options in your local area. You can search for activities based on interest, ability and area.
About the service
Welcome to Orthopaedic Choice
We are a team of Clinical Specialist Therapists and GPs with a particular interest in Orthopaedics and musculoskeletal conditions based in South-West Hampshire. Our role is to help you understand your condition, and to support and guide you to the best way forward.
What we do
What should I Expect at my First Appointment?
This may be by telephone, video or face to face. The assessment aims to find out more about you and your condition, including treatments and medications that have been tried already and investigations that have been done. This helps us to understand what is important to you and how our service can help you to manage your symptoms. We will discuss your options, and as a result we may agree with you one or several of the following as an outcome:
• no additional treatment is required.
• signpost you to our website or other resources for further self-help information.
• referral to Physiotherapy.
• request investigations e.g. X-Rays, ultrasound scans or MRI scans. For some conditions these may be helpful, but for others they may not influence the long-term management and be unhelpful.
• link with your GP to consider further test(s) or alteration of medications.
• provide a corticosteroid injection for certain conditions.
• referral for a surgical opinion.
• referral to the Pain Management Team.
How can I prepare for my appointment to get the most from it?
• Make sure you know where you are going and the parking options, a few of our sites may require cash payment for parking.
• Wear suitable clothing so the clinician can examine you thoroughly.
• A list of your current medications can be helpful.
• Think about what you are hoping to achieve from your appointment. Some people find it helps to write a few questions down as a reminder.
• You may find it useful to visit our website before your appointment. It contains a variety of information that could be useful to help you manage your condition or understand the treatment options.
Accessing the service
Contact your GP or healthcare professional about accessing this service. They will be able to talk through your options and make a referral to our service if it’s right for you. Once we receive the referral it will be reviewed by a member of the team and you will offered the most appropriate appointment for you.
Contact information
For appointment and referral queries please:
- Telephone: 0300 003 0806