Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) - Isle of Wight


About the service

EIP isle of wight.jpgPsychosis is a treatable mental health condition that affects the mind and can change the way people think, feel and behave. It can be difficult for people to distinguish between reality and the imagination and it commonly develops in adolescence and early adulthood.

What we do

The team work with people who have, or are currently experiencing their first psychotic episode. This can be an alienating experience and scary for the person involved and their family. However, seeking help and accessing support straight away gives a much higher chance of recovery.

The EIP team help assess, treat and support young people who are in the early stages of a psychotic illness.  Anyone between the age of 14 – 65 and are experiencing their first episodes of psychosis can refer themselves to the service, without having to go through a General Practitioner (GP).

Accessing the service

If you wish to contact the EIP service you can do so by calling 01983 552555. The service also accepts referrals from GP’s, Schools, Supported Accommodation Schemes, Community Mental Health Services, and from family members of the person concerned. Anyone between the age of 14 – 65 and are experiencing their first episodes of psychosis can refer themselves to the service.

Contact information

Telephone: 01983 552555

The service operates Monday – Fridays, 9am – 5pm.

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